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目前使用的管道主要有三大类。   类是金属管,如内搪塑料的热镀铸铁管、钢管、不锈钢管等。   类是塑复金属管,如塑复钢管,铝塑复合管等。第三类是塑料管,如PP—R(交联聚丙烯高密度网状工程塑料)。   



  落水管的支架采用卡架,安装时根据设计要求定出支架形式及支架位置,在砖墙安装支架前应    墙洞内灰尘,浇水湿润,将支架伸入墙上预留洞内,用水泥砂浆填塞饱满。混凝土板面及混凝土墙、梁、柱上采用膨胀螺栓固定支架。支架埋入墙内尺寸根据支架形式及管径而定,一般埋入 150~200mm。支架要求除锈刷防锈漆。

  落水管按设计要求安装伸缩节,设计无要求时按规范要求将伸缩节置于三通下方。立管在穿楼板处 固定,应复查顶板洞口是否合适。插入端应先画好插入长度标记,然后用力插至标记处为止,合适后即 用 U 形抱卡紧固于伸缩节上沿。然后找正、找直,并测量顶板与三通口的距离是否符合要求。无误后 即可堵洞,并将上层顶预留伸缩节封严。立管伸缩节在楼板层高不大于 4m 时,排水立管和通气立管每 层设一伸缩节,层高大于 4m 时,其数量应根据管道设计伸缩量和伸缩节的允许伸缩量计算确定。


There are three main types of pipes currently in use. Category is metal pipe, such as lined with plastic hot-dip cast iron pipe, steel pipe, stainless steel pipe and so on. Class is plastic-clad metal pipe, such as plastic-clad steel pipe, aluminum-plastic composite pipe and so on. The third category is plastic pipes, such as PP -- R cross-linked polypropylene high-density Mesh engineering plastics. Before the installation of the pipeline, according to the requirements of the design drawings, the vertical ball or theodolite and steel ruler should be used on the wall, the location of the downspout and the spring ink line, the positioning of the pipeline should avoid the door and window holes. The bracket of the falling water pipe adopts the clamp frame, and the bracket form and the bracket position are determined according to the design requirements during installation. Before installing the bracket in the brick wall, the dust in the wall hole should be moistened by water, and the bracket should be extended into the wall to reserve the hole, fill up with cement mortar. Expansion bolts are used to fix the bracket on the concrete slab surface, concrete wall, beam and column. The size of the bracket embedded in the wall depends on the type of bracket and the pipe diameter. Generally, 150 ~ 200mm is embedded in the wall. Brackets require rust remover brush antirust paint. The expansion joint shall be installed in the downspouts according to the design requirements. When the design is not required, the expansion joint shall be placed under the tee joint according to the specifications. Risers in the floor, fixed, should check whether the roof hole is appropriate. Insert end should first draw the length of the insert mark, and then forcibly insert until the mark, after the appropriate u-shaped hold card is fixed in the expansion joint on the top edge. Then find the right, find the straight, and measure the roof and three-way port distance is in line with the requirements. After that, the hole can be plugged, and the top of the expansion joint reserved for sealing. When the floor height of the risers is not more than 4M, there is one expansion joint for each floor of the drainage risers and ventilating risers, and when the floor height is more than 4M, the number of expansion joints shall be calculated and determined according to the design expansion amount and the allowable expansion amount of expansion joints. The bottom of the outdoor rain water pipe can be drained in a loose way or in a concentrated way according to the design requirements. If the use of scattered, should be in the lower end of the outlet elbow, not directly scouring the ground. If the use of centralized drainage, through the water should be increased through the wall casing, to ensure that the water pipe and water can be free expansion and contraction

